About the Project

This information is provided as a starting point for understanding supply chain connections to the Uyghur Region. The supply chain connections identified on this site represent potential exposure to forced labor, based on extensive desk-based research described at length in the full report. Using publicly available sources, we are unable to identify all corporate supply chain exposures to the Uyghur Region. Companies will have to conduct full supply chain tracing to make a full assessment of all exposure to Uyghur region mining, processing, and manufacturing.  All companies named in the report have been contacted to provide their responses -- any responses we have received can be found on the Sheffield Hallam website

Read the full report

This project was researched and co-authored by Sheffield Hallam University's Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice and Nomogaia, with an international team of scholars, many of whom are from affected communities. Some of our of team members have chosen to be named, while others have remained anonymous. Though we are not all named, this report is the product of enormous effort on the part of many people, all of whom deserve recognition and thanks. 

Report Design: Southpaw Creative

Website and Database Design: John Emerson, Backspace

THE HELENA KENNEDY CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE AT SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY is a leading center for social justice and human rights research, practice, and pedagogy. It provides a vibrant environment at the cutting edge of legal and criminal justice practice which prepares students for excellence in their chosen professional careers. The center is home to a range of social justice and human rights activities that include research, global engagement, impact on policy, professional training, and advocacy.

Its central values are those of widening access to justice and education, the promotion of human rights, ethics in legal practice, equality and a respect for human dignity in overcoming social injustice. The center works on high-profile projects in a variety of human rights and social justice areas. Research and projects concern modern slavery, gender-based violence, hate crime, and more. 

NOMOGAIA has been rigorously analyzing the impacts of industries on human rights since 2007. It has pioneered evidence-driven methods for human rights due diligence that have reshaped corporate decision-making across six continents.

As an independent nonprofit research organization, NomoGaia’s mission is to promote respect for human rights. The cornerstones of human rights are dignity and equality, and a core principle is inclusion. By publishing the methods, findings and outcomes of research undertaken, NomoGaia makes it possible for companies, their customers, their regulators, and their affected communities to make informed decisions to address human rights risks and harms.

NomoGaia has worked in the mining, energy, manufacturing, agriculture, forestry and financial sectors to amplify the voices of and engender respect for the rights of vulnerable and marginalized populations.

This work was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance.

Contact us at [email protected].